Monday, June 16, 2008


My dad has two foster sons. I think they're 4 and 5 years old. He's had them for a few months now. They used to be very... "Hyper." Before I knew their names, I knew them as "Wild Monkey Boys." They've calmed down much over the past several weeks.

Yesterday, they were eating some food we grilled in the back yard. My dad gave them what we used to call "quarter waters." They are those little sugary punch drinks in the 4 oz. Plastic jugs with the foil on top. I'm getting a stomach ache thinking about them.

Anyway, No. 2 had orange and No. 1 had blue. So I asked them,

"You have orange and you have blue. If orange juive comes from oranges, where does blue juice come from?"

".... BLUE!"

"Noooo. If orange juice comes from oranges, what FRUIT does blue juice come from?"



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